

This blog is becoming a Sky Ferreira fandom page, MG.


Hello 90s' kids!


So, today I bring my inspirations-on-paper post, so hey my dears. How I've seen people doesn't seems to appreciate it at other non-social-network-webs I'm just dedicating this to people who actually reads my blog, I mean YOU, X.

Here's something I made for own pleassure and leissure. It's actually my files' holder for school (yolo). Like, I bought this really cool foam letters and glitter at dollarama and this article I cut from "La Gazette" about The Sex Pistols ( in french, fuck yeah) and I was feeling groovy.

Español: Bien, hoy traigo un post de inspiraciones en papel, así que hola, queridos. Cómo he visto que la gente no parece apreciar esto en otras redes no-tan-sociales os lo dedico a vosotros, lectores de mi blog, quiero decir, TÚ, X.

Esto es algo que hice para mi propio placer y ocio. En realidad es mi archivador para el colegio de este año (yolo). Compré estas letras tan guays y la purpurina en el dollarama y este artículo que recorté de "La Gazette" sobre los Sex Pistols ( en francés, fuck yeah) y me sentía groovy.

The drugs' thing is just a campaign aganist drugs, the small text says "drugs are good if are prescripted by your doctor, etc." so PLEASE (although the noon looked at me on a weird way while holding this). 

Español: Lo de las drogas es solamente una campaña anti-droga, en el texto en letra pequeña dice "las drogas (medicinas) son buenas si están preescritas por tu médico, etc." así que PORFAVOR (aunque una monja me miró raro mientras estaba sujetando esto)

And well, also I made the back of it :

After doing the floyd-dropping of the gun I realized that I fucked it up with something I wrote below, but. So yeah, it's kind of messy but, I like it that way. The "WTF" kid was on the Wal-mart's catalogue, I was like "WTF? he's holding an  iphone". Then Kurt and Courtney's pics and The Simpsons' card, I had that stuff in my metallic-vintage-cool box.

Español: Después de hacer el goteo de fluido de la pistola me dí cuenta de que fastidié el dibujo con algo que había escrito debajo, pero. Sí, es algo desastroso, pero me gusta así. El niño "WTF" estaba en un catálogo del Wal-Mart, y yo estaba cómo "WTF? está sujetando un iphone". Entonces lo demás, las fotos de Kurt y Courtney, y la carta de los Simpsons, tengo ese tipo de cosas en mi caja muy cool y vintage. 

And finally Sky Ferreira released her new EP, down the name of "Ghost" now, it's avaliable. so, lol, enjoy it. 

Y finalmente Sky Ferreira lanzó su nuevo EP, bajo el nombre "Ghost" ahora disponible. Así que, lol, disfrutad. 

And this is kind of surprising because her new album was suposed to be called "Wild at Heart" but whatever... I may admit that the next tracks are kinda sad. They make me cry late at nigh, while I'm being sassy on twitter; However her new style is much more mature and worked than older songs from her. I like her more now.

Y esto es algo sorprendente porque su álbum se suponía que iba a llamarse "Wild at Heart" pero loquesea...Debo admitir que las siguientes canciones son algo tristes. Me hacen llorar tarde en la noche, mientras estoy siendo descarada en twitter; aún así su nuevo estilo es mucho más maduro y elaborado que el anterior. Me gusta mucho más ahora. 

Sad Dream - Sky Ferreira

Ghost - Sky Ferreira 

Well, bye!



DANGER ZÖNE | Jeremy Scott's S/S 2013 show

I must say that Jeremy Scott is not for everyone, but I you like him, his shows are like christmas twice a year.  SO, in a résumè of this last show was basicaly "Hip Hop opulence" or some "Arabic Chic". Silk, golden chains, printed chains, animal prints everywhere, snapbacks, bombers, python prints. Strapless tops, tube skirts, gun-shapped hanging embellishments, extra-super high boots and see-through fabrics rule for women this season, and, men, C'mon boy! it's Jeremy Scott!!! just think about crazy prints on your pants and some spiked Doctor Martens. Some awesome craps that has Jeremy Scott at Milk are the guests, the greatest artists "on the vue" I mean, talented and indie someones, who become supreme stars, just like Claire Boucher (GRIMES | ^^ omgomg <3 her| ), my beloved and favourite singer/teenpopstargrownup/whatever Sky Ferreira, Adam Lambert,Cara Delavinge and moar' ppl.

Here's the vid, and some pics, Enjoy! ;P

The show in images

Jeremy Scott Primavera-Verano 2013 foto 01 - TELVA
Jeremy Scott Primavera-Verano 2013 foto 03 - TELVA
Jeremy Scott Primavera-Verano 2013 foto 04 - TELVA
Jeremy Scott Primavera-Verano 2013 foto 05 - TELVA
Jeremy Scott Primavera-Verano 2013 foto 06 - TELVA
Jeremy Scott Primavera-Verano 2013 foto 07 - TELVA
Jeremy Scott Primavera-Verano 2013 foto 08 - TELVA
Jeremy Scott Primavera-Verano 2013 foto 10 - TELVA
Jeremy Scott Primavera-Verano 2013 foto 11 - TELVA
Jeremy Scott Primavera-Verano 2013 foto 12 - TELVA
Jeremy Scott Primavera-Verano 2013 foto 13 - TELVA
Jeremy Scott Primavera-Verano 2013 foto 14 - TELVA
Jeremy Scott Primavera-Verano 2013 foto 15 - TELVA
Jeremy Scott Primavera-Verano 2013 foto 16 - TELVA
Jeremy Scott Primavera-Verano 2013 foto 17 - TELVA
Jeremy Scott Primavera-Verano 2013 foto 18 - TELVA
Jeremy Scott Primavera-Verano 2013 foto 20 - TELVA
Jeremy Scott Primavera-Verano 2013 foto 21 - TELVA
Jeremy Scott Primavera-Verano 2013 foto 22 - TELVA
Jeremy Scott Primavera-Verano 2013 foto 23 - TELVA
Jeremy Scott Primavera-Verano 2013 foto 24 - TELVA
Jeremy Scott Primavera-Verano 2013 foto 27 - TELVA
Jeremy Scott Primavera-Verano 2013 foto 29 - TELVA
Jeremy Scott Primavera-Verano 2013 foto 31 - TELVA
Jeremy Scott Primavera-Verano 2013 foto 34 - TELVA
Jeremy Scott Primavera-Verano 2013 foto 37 - TELVA
Jeremy Scott Primavera-Verano 2013 foto 39 - TELVA
Jeremy Scott Primavera-Verano 2013 foto 40 - TELVA
my fav.


Cory Kennedy, Sky Ferreira and Cara Delevinge

Sky Ferreira with "Grimes"


Sky Ferreira on Vigoss Jeans

For their fall '12 ad campaign, New York-City-based denim brand Vigoss didn't just shoot an unidetifiable model against a wall, instead founder David Kubresi taped creative director Alex Wiederin (who has worked with Just Caballi, Sonia Rykiel and Kenzo), to deliver a one-two punch with photographer Mario Sorrenti and singer Sky Ferreira as the face. "Sorrenti has an innate ability to doument a woman's unique beauty and raw sexuality", says Kubresi of the campaign. The brand launched in New York owns a huge variety of shapes and shades and an undeniable versatile sense of style, for every silhouette.

Para la campaña de otoño de Vigoss jeans, no simplemante una modelo inidentificable contra la pared. El fundador se inclinó por contratar al director creativo Alex Wiederin (que ha trabajado con Just Cabali, Sonia Rykiel y Kenzo) para recibir un  pack de dos con el fotógrafo Mario Sorrenti y la cantante Sky Ferreira como cara. "Sorrenti tiene una habilidad inata de plasmar la belleza y sensualidad cruday unica" dice Kubresi de la campaña. La campaña fundada en Nueva York tiene una enorme variedad de formas y tonos además de un inegable sentido de estilo versátil, para cada silueta.


(pictures: Vigoss.usa.com   source: Nylon mag.)


Trapped in the Tumblr Closet: Charlotte Free

Watch it, just do it. I love this because actually, tumblr made her famous.

Festival Mode & Design du Montréal.

Hmm, sorry by not updating for so long but a I've been tied up with the summer camp and walking down Montreal's downtown, by the way, I must notice about the event that hit Montreal's urban moves last august. Four days of runaways, music, design, beauty and shopping. From  wednesday 1st of august, until, saturday 4th of august, a faboulous schedule in wich enjoyable activities showed up in the streets and more important : 4 FREE!!!

Hmmm, siento no haber subido nada desde hace tanto, pero he estado un poco atada con el campamento de verano, y caminando por el downtown de Montreal, donde, por cierto, debo de dar noticia del evento que golpeó el movimiento urbano de montrea el pasado agosto del 1 al 4.

piture by: fashionista.com

On wednesday 1st of august the party started at 11 a.m, with the photoshoot - contest cabine by Clin d'oeil "Avez-vous le look du jour?" ("Do you have the look of the day?"), after at McGill College avenue were exposed 19th century canadian landscapes pictures by Alexander Henderson. Creativity was exposed by Montreal artists at the "Bancs Public" exposition, were six different art personalities (Michael Bishop, Duc C. Nguyen, Philippe Cossette, Valentin Hay, Bruno Houseaux and Laurence Piloncreated) expressed their very own style through decorating public banks, and before the long walk, it was able the possibility of enjoying a coffee and a spectacle at the urban forest, a whole street decorated on color purple, designed by the landscape designer Frederic Caplette. And for those in trouble with their heels, there was ever a short class for them, starting 12:30 p.m. the entrance was 50$ was a contribution to raise founds for The Canadian Society of Cancer. And at 5p.m. ... music!! performance by Virgina Coossa. And on these vibes, the whole afternoon starting at 17:30 p.m. several events were showing up such as museum expositions price deals, and parties (take a look to the Pop art by T.Wesselman), and fashion games (dresing room). The runaways: Mexx, MyWalk.in, Parasuco, Eden Park, Clin d'oeil, Glamania's 2012 trends. In the afternoon the musical panorama was more in the techno beat, Djs from Montrèal Kaytradamus and DJ Calma ruled backwards.

On Thursday runaways starting earlier, at 12 p.m. by Marie Claire, Reitmans, RW&CO, Dynamite, Xoos, Underworld, Coin des Coeurs and Tris Coffin. The performance of the Dj Philim Fehmiu, was the backwaeds to the fashion shows of LOLE (Live Out Load Everyday), Oldwig (vintage clothing), and presentations of the new fall colections  by Forever 21, Tommy Hilfilger, Axara, New Balance, m0851, La vie en Rose and Swarovski. The evening atmosphere ruled by A-rock and Jef Barbara. And moar' fashion shows by Aganist Nudity, Suzy Shier, Yves Martin, Nation M&D.

On friday, the real action started at 17 p.m. with the performance of Catherine Pogonat, followed by the Fashion Show/contest sponsored by "La Gazette" the most readed newspaper in Montreal (the inglish speaker part) and after more shows by : Franco Negretti, DYDH productions, Cartisse, Gold Rush, and Podium.
The Musical panorama: AXXE, Millimetrik, Midnight Romeo and GIRL.

On saturday  music ruled the day, with emergent bands, such as Jolie Jumper, Anastasia Lomonova, Tops, Valérie Dumaine, Grenadine,Florence K., Chinatown, and "Bollywood" the show. Runaways by: Ethik BGC, Quiksilver, Shaydakiss, Attitude, Le Chateau and Guess/Guess by Marciano.

Unfortunately I couldn't go, I was at the camp that I mentioned before :´( buaaaa.


In My Mind Playlist = Mindblown it's over

After de mindblown that school was, and trying to not make high expectations of what summer will be I've been in to music very, very, very deep, so I selected the top hits of what to listen to unplug before summer holydays and its pleasant feelings cautivate you. Listen to this and keep on my wave.

Well, this gets better translated as "my basics" into the relative of music, like, "If you want to know who the hell I am, then listen to this".


This are not my sunday shoes!

Yay! hi fellas! I've been really weird mood these days I felt uninspired but well, anyways realieved because finally ended this scholar year, and now I'm fresher than a motherf***er!!! So I changed my "chip" and I went to the cinema with my aftenoon-movie-watcher-buddy to go together through all that deppresive mood buying two tickets to "Moonrise Kingdom" and my words were literaly these:
"- Dude, if that movie was a boy I'd marry him." This and some Lana del Rey and yay! you have your final summertime suicidal reason to live. Because you start thinking that for the world looking that way would need loads of  prozacs, cyanide and love.

Hey! Hola amigos! He estado de un humor bastante raro durante estos dias, me sentí sin inspiración pero de todos modos aliviada porque finalmente acabé el año escolar, y ahora estoy más fresca que un moderf***er!! Así que cambié el chip y fuí al cine con mi compañera de películas para atravesar juntas todos este humor depresivo, comprando dos tickets para "Moonrise Kingdom" and my words were literalmente: "-Tio, si esta película fuera un chico me casaría con el". Esto y Lana del Rey y yay! ya tienes tu razón de suicidio veraniego para vivir. Y entonces empiezas a pensar que para que el mundo sea así necesitaría toneladas de prozacs, cianuro y amor.




This are some of the pictures from the movie, wich looks like a report from Vogue, I mean people should see this movie unless by the visual delight.

Estas son algunas de las fotos de la película, que parece un reportage de Vogue, quiero decir, la gente devería ir a ver esta película almenos por el deleite visual.

Vibes: Lana del Rey - National Anthem, Billie Holyday - Summertime, Françoise Hardy - Les Temps de L'amour.
And I don't know, but anyone else realized that Tavi Gevinson looks like taken from this movie? It's just she's this issue style inspiration."That's a 60's mood".
Y no sé pero alguien más se dio cuenta de que Tavi Gevinson parece sacada de esta película? Es solamente que ella es la inspiración estilística de esta temporada. "That's a 60's mood".
Au Revoir mes amis!

all images from Tavi Gevinson's blog.