
Thanks God We're On Holiday!

Yesterday, trying to scape from the typical show before the end of the year, I went to my bedroom and started up my "dear mp3 player", and I started thinking about, the school, and that thanks god we're on holidays... and about senior girls at my school, I mean those who are in the lasts years of  highschool. I started thinking about them, because at my school, we wear uniform. When my friends were smaller, they dreamed with highshool days, those days in wich they didn't have to wear uniform. Now,they still looking forward those days that are near. But I actually, I don't mind wearing uniform, because it's not as ugly as others schools' uniforms. Well, yes of course, is a symbol of oppresion, but we're in a catholic school (deal with it). The case is that I'm dissapointed. They stop wearing a skirt'n'pull uniform to wear a skinnyjeans'n'sweatshirt uniform. I think it's absurd, because  if they have total freedom to choose what they want to wear. Why does everybody dress with the same (similar) clothes?? We are teenage girls, we can wear skirts, and dress like cheerleaders,or have our rebel girls club, we're girls, we wanna have fun!.

Teenage girls at movies.  source : rookiemag.com It's a great site.


  1. I must say, dear fella, it's not that easy. As you know I'm a senior (yay!) and I still wear that tacky old fashioned uniform. If someone said "you can wear whatever you want" I'de be a bit confused... But that's not the point.
    On the other hand, I agree. Our society is a Ctrl+C Ctrl+V Ctrl+V... and it's so fucking boring! That's why I thank there are girls like you and me, which realize this... They judge us for being different, but I laugh about them for being the same!
    (Heart) this, mad youngster

  2. The runaways ♥... Very nice blog
