
Sequin & Sportswear

Here we go again, sorry for being absent these last two weeks, but I've been at school, so you know... (homework, witchcrafts, sleeping, people...), but nevermind because I'm here posting again about my stuff.
Here there are some "outfits".

Are some girl-band inspired looks that I drawed, just for fun, and because I had to materialize my dream of being a rockstar, and own a band as the Runaways, Hole or Siouxie and the bangshees, with that look of yelling: "hey guys we're going to beat you"
Actually I get the main sources of  inspiration from music such as from the group Hole or specifically artists like Angus Young from the group AC/DC (I use to imagine myself as female version of him) And the graphic of the sweater is from the cover of the new EP from theWavves.

This group has a weird music style, not very usual, (noise pop- surf pop - distorted punk) but sounds great. Yeah, I know, I haven't said too much about them but you got to hear them.
I also had inspirational vibes from world of fashion, specially this time, I felt an special preference for Ashish Gupta. Ashish's style is how he says : "Sequin, glamour, sportswear and more sequins". He has such a creative and inspirational style, wich I really admire, and he figures in my "Favourite Designers list" with Vivienne Westwood, Alexander McQueen, and Mathew Williamson. Don't worry fellas there are more designers in my list (close to fifty). Here are some of my favourite outfits.


Ha, ha, I love the sequin jacket backwards

Catwalk pictures from: londonfashionweek.co.uk.
Get the vibes, my friends:

Picture from the film Ghost World
source:FySky Ferreira
Lana Del Rey

Two last pics are from a magazine's interview, about Elle Faning


American Horror Story

OMG! Currently I'm watching American Horror Story. It's a new TV serial of FOX television, and I'm really satisfied with the results, because it really scares; I mean, when my friend told me: "watch this serial, at night", I was like: " Yeah, whatever nothing scares me, I've seen those Japanesse horror films wich are very violent and I have never been scared, so this is not going to scare me blah, blah, blah.." and now I'm flippin' out.
I recommend it for  14 + years or more seriously, scares.
The serial is about a three-member-familly that goes to live to an old house, with a turbulent past... well, sorry fellas, but to know the rest of the story, check it out!
And about the characters, I can say that the most scaring character it's the neighbour. It's like a psycho-jilted housewive, hungry for revenge, and, of course this had to have a romantic plot, in this case a teenage dream, the romance of Violet and Tate (Tate is the guy of every weird girl's dream) , and well I'm not going to say anything else because this serial is really interesting if you love horror genre, you'll love this, if you don't too.

HAHAHA when I saw this at rookiemag and I was like : LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
haha I want this for my birthday.

 Title:"How to throw a party when you are broke"

How to Throw a Party When You’re Broke


Thanks God We're On Holiday!

Yesterday, trying to scape from the typical show before the end of the year, I went to my bedroom and started up my "dear mp3 player", and I started thinking about, the school, and that thanks god we're on holidays... and about senior girls at my school, I mean those who are in the lasts years of  highschool. I started thinking about them, because at my school, we wear uniform. When my friends were smaller, they dreamed with highshool days, those days in wich they didn't have to wear uniform. Now,they still looking forward those days that are near. But I actually, I don't mind wearing uniform, because it's not as ugly as others schools' uniforms. Well, yes of course, is a symbol of oppresion, but we're in a catholic school (deal with it). The case is that I'm dissapointed. They stop wearing a skirt'n'pull uniform to wear a skinnyjeans'n'sweatshirt uniform. I think it's absurd, because  if they have total freedom to choose what they want to wear. Why does everybody dress with the same (similar) clothes?? We are teenage girls, we can wear skirts, and dress like cheerleaders,or have our rebel girls club, we're girls, we wanna have fun!.

Teenage girls at movies.  source : rookiemag.com It's a great site.